september books are open!!

"I deeply feel that Freedom is a major catalyst, for the ascension of all humans on Earth..."-Abbey

"Overall, the coaching package Freedom has provided for me has truly been so transformational and ultimately encouraged and opened space for me to experience major transformation in my personal and professional life. I had an experience like the one in the QIC I did with you, and accepted a deep truth on my own. In this moment, I realized I was able to heal and move through that transformation by myself, but in the same significant way that I felt when I was working with you. To me, that is the proof of a coach and a spiritual mentor that can actually provide the tools to transform your life continuously. I've never worked with anyone that has helped me shift a behavioral pattern and eradicate the emotional reaction associated with the trigger of that pattern the way Freedom does. 


I am no longer a slave to my anger. I am in control of my emotions and I use this power to express them in a way that solidifies my boundaries in a healthy way, and delivers my voice/message in a safe and respectful way. I feel like the Queen of my Queendom, and that truly has so much to do with you and the package we did together." Hayleigh B. Digital Nomad


"Overall my confidence level for life right now is on fucking fire. I know where I’m going and I can see already what that looks like. And it’s the first time that I have felt fully solid and every bit of my life."-Kevin C. Massage Therapist & Kagen Water Distributor


"Just over a month ago I was deeply called to Freedom’s Bio-recoding Session. The depth of work that she does is thorough, accurate& resonated in every cell of my being. Together with Source, she genuinely shifted some serious energy and removed all blockages that were keeping me in a recapitulated time lapse regardless of the internal work I was doing. I received the gift of an accelerated timeline and within 3 weeks following this session I’ve moved to my dream city nuzzled in the mountains/ Forrest, I have become increasingly clear on my souls mission/ purpose and so many blessings have continued to pour in. I’ve been resurrected. Thank you so much for doing the work that you do. My heart—my Avatar, the entirety of my being, are so full & grateful. Thank you so deeply!"

— Shyanne S. Spa & Wellness Center


"The Money Alchemy Course was life-changing and game changing for me. I feel WAY more confident about myself and my future. I feel like I have such a greater purpose for my life, and I'm feeling the most driven I've ever felt before. I've already seen some money flowing in, but I've never been more sure and more capable that I can, and I will, call in some major flows. I really loved how attentive Freedom was throughout the length of the course. Whenever students had any questions, she would never hesitate to help them out, and provide guidance. I especially loved how I could locate myself in everyone's shares. Freedom, you have breathed new life into my soul. I'm still trippn'. Thank you! Mahalo Freedom".

 Steven A. Property Manager


" MAC (Money Alchemy Course) is definitely life changing. You will finish the course a complete different person. MAC has helped me clean my different areas of my life and that shifted the quality of my alignment to God/source. This relationship clears a lot of obstacles with money, whether it’s the connection or the flow. I didn’t know how important it is to clean our word so we can truly manifest our goals in life until MAC. I feel a lot lighter, clearer, and more observant about my decisions, thoughts, and emotions. It paved the way to more opportunities."-Anonymous


" Doing private sessions with Freedom & completing MAC is the best kind of unexpected gift you can receive. You may get wrapped into it wanting to transform your money story, but in the end, you completely transform your life. I cannot say it enough. My husband has said so many time in the last 3 months “our family has the most authentic version of you ever, and we have Freedom to thank for that.” I have had some strong personality hang ups and bad patterns my whole life just disappear through this course. I’m free. And growing stronger everyday. This material is something I’ll revisit for life. And I would highly recommend it to anyone. Freedom is magic. And the very best guide."-Jessica C. Mother, Catering Executive & Entrepreneur


"MAC was so empowering in a multitude of ways. Not only did it get me clear on the subliminal blocks but it gave me access to so much and let me take my power back by cleaning and clearing all I needed to step up. It was a great transformational tool that really let's you increase your potential. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to grow and expand. If you want to stay in your small world then definitely don't do this course. But if you want to see what you're made of and tap in to your potential, this course is for you!"-John C. Healer & Coach


"While the pervious work such as my private sessions & the MAC stayed with me, I also allowed myself to sway and get wrapped up back in New Age false ideologies.
The journey with Freedom has been a roller coaster, she has delivered the medicine I didn’t want to take, she has called out the truths I didn’t want to hear, and she has made me look at the things I didn’t want to see. I would not be as connected to Christ without Freedom. I remember who I Am more clearly because of Freedom. I don’t think I would have found my purpose or my Union with Jesus without her work and her team. Through every growth spurt and plot twist Freedom has continued to deliverer the clearest and most relevant downloads, she is humble in her humanness and strong in her galactic command. She’s never afraid to admit she was wrong, and she’s never backed down from uncomfortable truths. I Am endlessly grateful for her mission on this planet because she has paved the way for myself  (as well as many others) To embody our own personal missions, and I feel deeply she is a major catalyst for the accession of all humans on Earth. Through all the ebbs and flows, I still consider Freedom one of my greatest teachers, mentors, and guides. She has given a place and a voice to Starseed Mission holders that actually feels safe and authentic to explore. Her work has been monumental for my personal growth and, I believe, she has sent deep ripples into the collective awakening." Abbey


"Before taking Money Alchemy & working in private sessions with Freedom, I was feeling stuck and uninspired. My energy was stagnant and I was struggling to get motivated. Throughout the 10 weeks I could feel things shifting and moving in my field. This course is about so much more than money. It's about your energy, your relationship with yourself and others, and your relationship with God. Freedom's activations were life changing--especially in regards to my romantic relationships--and I know that my life has shifted because of them. I walked away from this course feeling changed and I'm so excited to see how this affects not only my financial flow, but the rest of my life as well."-Mollie M. Brand & Content Designer


“I found Freedom after I renewed my commitment to Jesus Christ in 2021. It was like I was magnetized to her and her teaching because of my re-dedication to Jesus. Previously, I was on a completely different ascension team and started with Freedom through her Keys Series. Through these incredible teachings she helped reorient me as a multidimensional follower of Jesus by sharing the vulnerability and wisdom of her journey with Christ. By watching this series I had new eyes and revelation to understand God’s ever unfolding plan for me. Freedom has helped liberate me from religious and false light trauma and doctrines both with the Keys and the True Light Event. Through the True Light Event she also assisted in purging false light codes from my body through her gridwork, which was physically evident both during and following the livestream. Freedom speaks my language, and I am so grateful to continue to learn from her.” Kara


"MAC impacted my life deeper than I expected. This course helped me realize how much I was out of integrity and how this was siphoning my energy and keeping me stuck on all levels.  I started receiving bi-weekly massages, am working with an acupuncturist as well as a Naturopathic Doctor. I have also invested in decorating my apartment to reflect my own personality and desires. While doing the exercises and gradually sealing up containers, I started to bring in more money. Last month I brought in my first $5K in terms of income, which was almost double what I would normally earn. I thought I started this course solely to focus on earning more money, but I think what I really needed was to honor the next level version of myself waiting to come through. And learning field work on top of it was a nice added bonus! I am really grateful, Thank you, Freedom!"- Catherine C. Massage Therapist 

"Working in private sessions with Freedom as well as taking her MAC course, It shined a light on the hidden areas that needed cleaned up or Quantum Inner Child healing. Freedom has assisted me in attaining a sparkly new life, with a new soul family, mission partner and propelled me forward onto a new timeline. I’ve dropped into some important mission work! My avatar is coming online quickly too. This course is a fast track to abundance in all ways, not just financially! I’ve also attained a deeper relationship with God".-Katy P. Yoga Instructor 

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