september books are open!!

Summer Activation 2020

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We have been pulled into a Race War by a division tactic that is activating The Collective Pain Body. Let's pull out of this lower grid!

This is the third webinar in the series. These webinars act like building blocks that stack ontop of eachother. It is highly recommended that you watch them in order, one week apart.

  • Debating racism is a consciousness trap 
  • How to unify the collective mission to end all human slavery and trafficking
  • How to connect to Sun Star to connect to a higher state of consciousness (formally known as the Soul Star Chakra)
  • Understanding how the Dark Mother creates separation
  • The Dark attacks are PERSONAL!
  • Spiritual bypassing vs. instantaneous quantum healing
  • Attachment to the pain body & the importance of letting go 

The course also includes a field activation to activate the Lady Liberty Grid (Sovereignty template), Removing the Racism wound template & division of the classes slavery program, clearing out any viral infection, Bringing you through a Divine Feminine purple galactic Stargate, Taking down the Race Wars grid & updating your system with brand new codes.

Thank you for your trust & loyal support, it's been such a blessing and honor to do this work.

xo, Free

An Important Note

These webinars act like building blocks and it is HIGHLY advised that you watch them in order with space in between, to calibrate the powerful affects of fieldwork. Failing to do so could cause negative affects on your field and is not recommended. You can listen to the education portion and wait on receiving the activation until you are able to do the activation's in order at least one week apart minimum. Please do not do these activation's all together.

*** Be sure to set up your account at checkout in order to reveal your course portal. Once you've purchased and logged into the site, the course page will appear on the top navigation ***