For this session the client comes to the table with all the matters of the heart you would like to reflect, clarify and breakthrough. Whether you're at a fork in the road, experiencing stagnation, or simply need a mirror to witness, reflect and guide you through your path, then this session is for you. But you will always be held accountable to make your own choices, and Freedom will encourage and empower you to trust your own intuition and connection to the Divine as we review your blueprint & make necesary updates through the power of Christ.
Freedom will access your blueprint for timeline corrections, updates and quantum healing in which she will hold the container with such precision and keen intuition to guide you out of tangled timelines, uneven roads, blindspots and bring a heavy dose of Light & Truth. Through conversation designed to alter your ego, brain, consciousness, perspective and next steps. This is called "structural field integration" formally known as "fieldwork".
Please come to this session prepared with a list of the topics you would like to work through, an open mind, a humbled ego ready for direct yet loving truth designed to set you free from suffering or confusion. The more you are willing to let go, lean in and learn then the more lasting your breakthrough will be. Also expect to be given post-call "homework" to help you integrate what you learned.
Breakthrough Blueprint Review & Structural Field Integration 90 min. | $333 | Zoom Call ( no video; zoom audio only, the call recording will be sent to you after your session. Sessions must end promptly on time or you will be charged for overtime and only in the event there is space to go over your time slot.