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False Light Program

False Light Program

June 17, 2020

What is False Light Programming?
 False Light is not a new age pop term, and it's not a dis' on someone's level of authenticity. False Light is a well crafted program brought to us by the alliance between Lucifer's rebellion and the NAA (Negative Alien Agenda). It is embedded into eastern philosophy and New Age Religon. Many people are drawn to the False Light due to early childhood trauma with religous programming and a desire to seek the Truth. There are many gold nuggets which make the False Light super hard to discern. The False Light uses inversions or twisting the truth in order to influence people to ultimately disconnect from the one true Source Prime Creator and work with false light guides, bad starseeds and aliens, demons, deities, false gods, false symbols and ultimately initiate themselves into the Occult which is the foundation of Satanism or what we like to call "Luciferian Doctrine".

1. Taking Universal "laws" or distinctions and inverting them to cause harm to the Self or others. For example The Law of One or Unity Consciousness vs. New World Oder/ Unconditional forgiveness without boundaries/ Evil is an illusion and perpetuates the belief in Separation/ Law of Manifestation; I am
Responsible for my reality including how other people show up in my reality/ Human emotional responses such as anger are a less evolved way of being. IAM God. 

2. Spiritual Gaslighting is a form of emotional and psychological manipulation to systematically confuse your innate sense of reality by using distinctions to subtly dehumanize you and shame you for your emotional reactions to create a state of self doubt in order to subject yourself to manipulation through mind control under the pretense of higher spiritual knowledge. One often feels confused, shut down, anxious, stressed unsafe or attacked after being gaslighted or ingesting False Light Programming.

3. Unsolicited Feedback is violent communication used to assert and project your nice opinions which are the same things as judgements which arise from the Ego critic who has to judge in order to categorize and process information in order to validate its Self in some way. Unsolicited Feedback is an act of Self gratification and is an attack if person did not ask for feedback or you did not ask permission to share feedback. Consensual feedback is the only form of empowering reflection because the person is in an inquiry about themselves if they are not in an inquiry then your urge to "enlighten them with truth" is actually self serving.

4. Spiritual Bipassing & inauthentic forced intimacy is using spiritual distinctions to avoid facing pain such as positive affirmations, dissociation through meditation, medication or drugs, avoidance and other behaviors to ignore numb or escape reality OR projecting intimacy without checking in with others or the space and invading other's space with inappropriate eye gazing, touching and the overal feeling that if you're not okay with this then you have more healing to do.

5. False light beings are channeled by humans to create false ascension mapping that lead you into labyrinth style experiences in which you have been led to deceitful paths of non-Truth. False light beings are often but not always associated with: The White Brotherhood, Galactic Federation, unspecified Light Councils, Pleidians, The Orion's and typically anyone who is famous in the New Age Community. (In our galactic history there was a long war with Lyra and most of the pleidians and orion's crossed to the other side of the war. The reason it is so easy to channel these beings is because they want us to let them into our bodies to infect the human race with this program to hinder our organic awakening & support Lucifer's agenda which is to be the God of this world. Christed beings never asked to be channeled through your body PERIOD. False Light teachers feed the system so that system supports them usually with fame & wealth.

6. False Light Programming is a virus that Is led by the Negative Alien Agenda (to harvest human consciousness) that has corralled people into the 5D trap of false awakening through above tactics to keep us enslaved without realizing we are still asleep. They harness our energy like we are an accommodation such as oil. We are being used as slaves to keep us locked in the False-Time Holographic Matrix. This is not the organic world that God created. This world is the inversion of the Garden Of Eden and it was built using Artificial Intelligence and changing the math used to architect this reality.

7. False Light Programming promotes hedonism, open sexuality, polyamory, sexual confusion (Iam not saying that all sexual confusion, transgender or gay people are false light but they are targeted to have extra confusion) and overall sense that by doing this you will be learning how to conquer your ego based wounds and learning what true unconditional love is by open relating.

8. Non Duality teachings such as A Course In Miracles promote that there is no Evil, that everything you see is a co-collective creation stemming from ones' inner world that influences ones outter world, that Evil is an illusion and/or neccesarry for your awakening. For example "Without darkness there is no Light", " Darkness creates cosmic balance", "Demons are just in separation therefor they need love too", "It is what it is, there is no right or wrong", "Don't make the world wrong, everything is perfect the way it is". ACIM is said to have been written by an aethiest and involvement with the CIA-mkultra programmer. Once you understand the depths of mind controlled used to negate our organic awakening stemming from WW11 you will understand that the False Light Program is a weaponized program to protect the system that enslaves us and to deny the existence of Evil & to promote and initiate people into the Occult so that they are worshipping false Gods.

False Light= New Age Spirituality= Luciferian Doctrine



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