The New Chakra System Explained

The New Chakra System Explained

June 17, 2020


(This is an old blog, an updated blog & a full course with visuals will be coming in 2020).

In 2016, I explained how the old chakra system is making its ascension (like all things are at this time) back into The One Sacred Heart. Upon further reflection I've come to find that the Chakra system is not just old but it's an Inverted system. The proper name for the organic energetic system is called the Star System and the colors, and architecture are completely different then what we have been taught.

It is very challenging to try to enroll The Collective into releasing ancient, spiritual texts teaching us about the Chakra system. Practically everyone knows of the major 7 chakras and their associated colors and meanings. 


If you would like to learn more about this system as well as get the removal of this system then please purchase my Winter Activation Webinar!

My webinars act like building blockas and will do this removal and update for you but what I’ve come to realize is that not all people can hold this updated software as it requires healing all trauma stored in these previous areas (let’s refer to the main 7 chakras for clarity). The integration moves from the 7-3, 3-2, 2-1 and bounces Btwn as attachments are not released. The colors first shift into a more pastel rainbow sherbet mush like colors soft sunsets.

The Sacred Heart/Heiros Gamos is like the key to your central mainframe. This 3 star system is an upgraded system that runs your energetic light body at full efficiency. It’s a perfected system. Think Apple in the 80’s compared to Apple in 2019.

This is the level at which angels and the good star seeds operate on hence why they do not experience some of lower frequencies we have because we still have lower frequency chakras that connect us to lower frequency grids. Get it?

The Sacred Heart is aka as the Heiros Gamos template as described in the ascension glossary or referred to as the. Christ/Maria. Yeshua is the Sun. Maria  is the Goddess and together they are The Union. The Union is your union with God, this makes up the holy trinity and this is an ascension pathway as well.

The Sacred Heart Chakra is emerald green and gold, it does not spin in circles but rather goes up and down the spirit cord and can be held in the old chakras. For ex. You bring the sacred heart into the root and begin to expand it out until it’s starts to vibrate rapidly and push out all miasma (energetic infection residue). Releasing miasma can cause a physical and emotional release as you are literally detoxing this old energy system that did not properly clear itself of trauma. Moving it within the old chakras helps the brain to assimilate the change until you no longer feel the need to go to these other energy points based on old and incorrect information.

All of these fucking photon (light) upgrades which I affectionately call Spirit doses we’ve been experiencing since 2012, then at a rapid rate starting 2016 and has continued like a tsunami wave washing over us has been the transition from the old chakra system to the new. This technology is brought to us by Christ. It is a self clearing system.

When you’re done vibrating the Sacred Heart in your root you can then allow it to float back to the heart center. You can also use it to shine the emerald green and gold tones together up and down the spirit cord to clear your direct channel to spirit. ( I cannot tell you how many times a day I have to help repair peoples spirit cords. This is a must!) If your spirit cord is not operating then your chakras don’t have a chance! Symptoms include receiving downloads but not being able to root them into the 3D, unsuccessful with grounding techniques, Inability to create consistency, inibility to feel a lasting transformation after years of shadow work, inability to directly converse with Spirit, see or hear messages. Sound familiar? Clear & repair your Spirit cord! 

I hope this helps explain the new chakra system. In the beginning their was no separation. (So to say it more accurately we are deleting the infiltrated system and going back to the original system lol-oh the genetic splicing has really run amok). The chakras do not need to be separated, the colors are wrong & the circular movements are all wrong, they are also ascending back into The One where there is no separation from God. Make sense?

You want this upgrade, it will help support you to stay in your natural flow state and abundance.

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