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War On Consiousness

War On Consiousness

February 09, 2020

What if the war on consciousness was a war over the timelines?

What if sacred unions are not happening bc we are not when & where we think we are? (It has a lot less to do with the inner work or King/Queen codes than we think it does).

What if the walk-ins have been blocked?

What if everything I’m about to say is real...Are you ready to confront what’s going on behind the veil?

Are you ready to remember The Intergalactic Wars?

Simply put...the war on consciousness is an intergalactic war over the argument of a simple mathematical equation that poses the philosophical debate of whether a mistake could be a mistake vs. there are no mistakes. It’s important to understand that we were all one but when the mathematical “mistake” occurred and separation consciousness was unintentionally formed and we witnessed the end result of that timeline that destroys humanity-we picked sides and The War began. Some of you know this as "The Fall" of Lucifer's Rebellion.

Those who wish to allow this timeline to play out bc there are no mistakes (The Darkness sees no duality all is what it is and wants it to play out even though the end result is utter devastation and deletion of the human race and all that came before IT) and those who wish to protect the purity of Source (The light who feels their must be a moral guideline to intervene when the Separation consciousness has replicated itself into complete separation that only seeks to destroy its former creators including the human race and do the opposite of Source Prime Creator).

If the human race understood when & where we are and how we got to be here now they could liberate themselves from the pain and suffering from the years 2017-2020. It’s a lot to swallow. But deep down inside you know that something happened to this world that dark Aug. Eclipse of 2017 and ever since then things have not been quite doesn’t mean your life was invalid, or that your success and love relationships were not valid but what if we told you that timeline was NOT organic? That was an alternate reality that was not calculated by Source. So all of that “extra fuckery” you may have experienced although you might have come to acceptance with it was indeed extra. All of the powerful women who got taken for a ride, all of the men who lost everything they had, all of the false light leaders rising to more abundance...what if I told you that was not your fault, that was not your creation bc that was not organic reality. It was a time-warp and it was a really low blow from the other side.

Yeshua has stepped in and corrected this moment in time. Finally. We’ve been trying to correct this time warp but failing every single time until one week ago.

I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again...this is the 9th time we have come here to complete this Mission. Right now we are making some powerful moves on the chess board. Starseeds on the other side or who have yet to choose a side are being held accountable for their impact on the destruction of humanity by not stepping in. These particular starseeds (much of the Pleidians & Orion’s who were being used to channel and spread false light luciferian doctrine) are now crossing over to our team. And guess what? Our team doesn’t spread False Light programming (aka New Age Spirituality aka Luficerian Doctrine) Also be wary that some of our team has also crossed over to their side and are being used to confuse humans. (Be careful who you follow).

Every time we send in a Walk-in so do they. Both sides have Walk-ins. You think that thing is your Twin?

Walk-ins MUST integrate right now and make it past solar plexus/kidneys. Humans must also update lower chakra systems. Acupuncture & colonics are recommended if you are stuck in digestion areas for past few months. Walk-ins Please do not give up and leave yet. If you leave now you are truly devastating Groundcrew.


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